The Ciclovia Credential can be picked up at the Park offices and at the operators who have signed the Service Charter along the route, as shown on the map below.
The document contains the details of the cycle traveller attesting to their presence along the route. The staff of the Parks and that of the accommodation facilities of reference will affix the stamp of the Ciclovia and that of the organisation or facility where the endorsement is made, with the date and indication of the country of arrival, in the corresponding box.
The Credential also provides the main information on the Ciclovia dei Parchi: route, stages, map, contact details of the Pollino, Sila, Serre and Aspromonte Parks.
Distribution and endorsement are free of charge and can only be carried out by the Parks and operators who have signed the Ciclovia dei Parchi Charter of Services.

Pollino National Park Services Centre
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, n. 9
Castrovillari (CS)
Tel. 0973 669311
Parco Nazionale della Sila
Via Nazionale snc
Lorica di San Giovanni in Fiore (CS)
Tel. 0984 537109
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Serre
Via Santa Rosellina, n. 2
Serra San Bruno (VV)
Tel. 0963 772825
Parco nazionale dell'aspromonte
Via Aurora, n. 1
Gambarie di S. Stefano in Aspromonte
Tel. 0965 743060
Strutture ricettive Credenziale
How to Complete the Credenziale
The Credenziale is issued and filled out by the operators of the Parks and authorised accommodation facilities in accordance with the procedures set out in the document that can be downloaded at the following link.